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Unsure on who to vote for?

Not confident marking your ballot on election day? Want to know where the candidate’s stand on important issues affecting Nanaimo? Our new VoteNanaimo survey will help answer your questions.

Our extensive survey of Nanaimo’s Mayoral and Council candidates for the 2022 Municipal Election focused on 10 different topics including economic development, downtown revitalization, homelessness and social disorder, housing and much more.

See the survey results here

Nanaimo Mayoral Candidates

Nanaimo City Council Candidates

Click on a candidates name to be directed to their website or social media page related to their campaign

Regional District of Nanaimo Candidates

Click on a candidates name to be directed to their website or social media page related to their campaign

Electoral Area A
(South Wellington, Cassidy, Cedar)

Carl Delcourt
Kate Poirier
Jessica Stanley
Keith Wilson [i]


Electoral Area C
(Extension, East Wellington, Pleasant Valley)

Mark MacDonald
Lauren Melanson
Charles Pinker [i]
Dean Toma
Susan Toth

Electoral Area F
(Coombs, Hilliers, Errington)

Kevin Goldfuss
Leanne Salter [i]


Electoral Area G
(Dashwood, Englishman River, French Creek)

Doug Kitts
Lehann Wallace [i]

School District 68 Board of Trustees Candidates

Click on a candidates name to be directed to their website or social media page related to their campaign

Naomi Bailey [i]

Tania Brzovic [i]

Andrew Gasson

Greg Keller [i]

Leanne Lee

Faith Mapayi

Charlene McKay [i]

Chantelle Morvay

Leana Pellegrin

Bill Robinson [i]

Mark Robinson

Tom Rokeby

Tanner Scott