Jeet Manhas
NanaimoNewsNOW reached out to every municipal candidate to present an easy-to-read and informative guide for our readers to help with the upcoming municipal election. All candidates were asked the same four questions, which are presented here without being edited.
Biography: Local Small Business Owner/ Retailer in Nanaimo since 1992. I am 57 years old. I have lived in Nanaimo for the past 40 years. I graduated from NDSS in 1980 and received Bachelor of Science in 1985 from University of British Columbia. I have served on Nanaimo City Council for two terms from 2002-2008 and on Regional board 2005-2008. I have also served on the Port of Nanaimo Board for 8 years (2010-2018) and was chair for 2 years. Presently, Director of VIU Foundation Board. Past member of Nanaimo Oceanside Rotary and served as a President for one term and achieved Paul Harris designation. I have always been involved in many Chamber and community events and have helped raised funds for many deserving charities in Nanaimo.
Question 1: Describe, in detail, what you view as the most important duties associated with the role of being a councillor/mayor?
The Most important duties associated with role of a City Councillor according to me is to ensure the accountability and transparency of the day to day operations of City; including keeping an eye on the activities of the senior management of the city and also represent the public and always consider the well-being and interest of the citizens. Maintaining of the financial integrity is also another duty that is very important with the role of a City Councillor.