Jeet Manhas

Oct 17, 2018 | 4:09 PM

NanaimoNewsNOW reached out to every municipal candidate to present an easy-to-read and informative guide for our readers to help with the upcoming municipal election. All candidates were asked the same four questions, which are presented here without being edited. 

Biography: Local Small Business Owner/ Retailer in Nanaimo since 1992. I am 57 years old. I have lived in Nanaimo for the past 40 years. I graduated from NDSS in 1980 and received Bachelor of Science in 1985 from University of British Columbia. I have served on Nanaimo City Council for two terms from 2002-2008 and on Regional board 2005-2008. I have also served on the Port of Nanaimo Board for 8 years (2010-2018) and was chair for 2 years. Presently, Director of VIU Foundation Board. Past member of Nanaimo Oceanside Rotary and served as a President for one term and achieved Paul Harris designation. I have always been involved in many Chamber and community events and have helped raised funds for many deserving charities in Nanaimo.

Question 1: Describe, in detail, what you view as the most important duties associated with the role of being a councillor/mayor?

The Most important duties associated with role of a City Councillor according to me is to ensure the accountability and transparency of the day to day operations of City; including keeping an eye on the activities of the senior management of the city and also represent the public and always consider the well-being and interest of the citizens. Maintaining of the financial integrity is also another duty that is very important with the role of a City Councillor.

Question 2: Describe your vision for Nanaimo beyond the next four years

My Vision for Nanaimo beyond the next four years will be to have more affordable housing and better Transportation. I would like to see our City at Zero homelessness and also have strategy to provide better care and programs for the city’s Seniors and people with disabilities.

Question 3: If you were making a list of your top three strategic priorities for the incoming Council to focus on over the next four years, what would they be and why?

My three most important strategic priorities for the incoming Council will be to work on rebuilding the organization and restoring the trust of the citizens and also work on promoting the City through tourism initiatives and better transportation.

Question 4: What is your strategy for dealing with the intense pressure and scrutiny placed upon elected officials, especially from those who may not agree with your decisions or viewpoints?

My experience of over 30 years as a small businessman, 6 years on Council, 3 years on Regional District and 8 years on the Nanaimo Port Board has given taught me many skills and strategies in dealing with the intense pressure and scrutiny placed upon elected officials. I always make time to connect, listen and consult with the people that may not agree with my decisions and viewpoints; as I would also like to hear their viewpoints at the same time sharing mine.


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