Wendy Pratt
NanaimoNewsNOW reached out to every municipal candidate to present an easy-to-read and informative guide for our readers to help with the upcoming municipal election. All candidates were asked the same four questions, which are presented here without being edited.
Biography: I am a third generation native daughter of Nanaimo, growing up in Harewood, graduating from NDSS in 1965. I raised my family here and spent the last 15 years of my professional career as Executive Director of Nanaimo Community Hospice Society, retiring in December 2014 after leading a successful capital campaign to raise $2.5Million to move Hospice to its present location. I didn’t do it alone, but I did provide strong leadership to reach our goal of a mortgage free Hospice that will serve our community well into the future. Hospice helps build a healthy and strong community and was a fertile learning ground in the areas of leadership, communication, budgeting/fiscal responsibility, human resource management, teamwork, partnerships, and collaboration. I learned to think globally and act locally after sitting for 10 years on both provincial and national boards. In 2014 I was elected to the 2014-2018 Nanaimo city council.
Question 1: Describe, in detail, what you view as the most important duties associated with the role of being a councillor/mayor?
Attend all council meetings; sit on the board of the RDN; attend public hearings. Provide strong governance, leadership, and evidence-based decision making for the good of the whole community. Enter into robust, respectful debate on each item brought forward. Abide by a code of conduct and uphold the “will of council”. Understand legislation, bylaws, and the Community Charter. Update/change bylaws as required and lobby through UBCM on important issues and to change legislation. Recruit and hire the CAO who hires and manages city staff. Recruit/select volunteers from the public to sit on council mandated committees and task groups; chair and/or attend committee meetings as required. Sit on RDN select committees and task forces. Liaise effectively and productively with city partners (VIU, PON, SFN, Airport). Support and value the work of city staff. Maintain good working relationships with IAFF, CUPE and the RCMP. Select/approve arms length organizations, if required, to assist in the work of council in areas such as economic development and downtown revitalization. Keep an open mind and liaise with the CAO, senior staff, external experts, committee members and the public prior to voting on agenda items. Represent the city at community events. Councillors are ambassadors for the city.