Adam Hayduk (BC Conservatives)

Phone: 587-968-7988
Social Media: adam.hayduk.7 (Facebook); Ahayduk (Twitter); AdamHayduk (Instagram);

I am 46 years old and lived in BC my entire life. A life-changing decision in 2011 to move to Port Alberni from Vancouver to coach the Alberni Valley Bulldogs led me to meet my future wife Lindsay in Port Alberni.

We now have a great 5 year old son, Albie. My father-in-law worked for the City of Port Alberni for 35 years. His grandfather Albert Hills was born in Alberni in 1904. My wife, mother-in-law, aunt and uncle all have worked or currently work on the West Coast.

Over the last 2-3 years, I noticed an increase in homelessness and open drug use in Port Alberni. I began to look into policies that might be driving this. I didn’t anticipate having to run in a provincial election, but it’s clear we need change: make life more affordable, prioritize public safety again, fix our healthcare system, make government spending accountable to tax payers, and provide the private sector the certainty it needs to thrive in BC again.

I have held non-profit, youth sport leadership positions for 20+ years as an Executive Director, coach and in management. Most recently as the Director of Hockey for a very successful minor hockey association.

What skills, professional experience, and personal attributes make you an effective representative for your riding in the Legislature?
Adam Hayduk was born and raised in British Columbia and is a professional self-starter with over 20 years of extensive and practical experience in non-profit youth sport organizations, operations, and administration.

Known as a consummate team player, Adam excels in organization, diplomacy, and interpersonal relations, which have been key to his success in various leadership roles.

Adam’s career in youth sports and community engagement began with a significant tenure as the Executive Director of one of BC’s largest minor hockey associations. Adam moved to Port Alberni in 2011 where he took on the roles of Assistant Coach and Assistant General Manager of the Alberni Valley Bulldogs in the BCHL.

Understanding the importance of community involvement, Adam has a strong history of working closely with local and provincial leaders to achieve tangible results.

Adam Hayduk is a candidate with a proven track record of leadership, community involvement, and a strong commitment to practical solutions.

His blend of business and political acumen, along with his deep-rooted connections to the Mid Island-Pacific Rim region, make him a compelling choice for MLA. Adam is dedicated to making British Columbia a safer, more affordable, and better-supported province for all its residents.

Cost of living challenges continue to mount, with everyday items and activities becoming increasingly unaffordable. What specific examples of this have you seen in the riding, and what areas would you advocate for to bring relief to residents?
I constantly hear at the doors that affordability, cost of living, and housing crisis is out of hand. You know it’s bad when the middle class feels the pinch.

The cost of food has increased so much that parents in my riding have changed how they shop and eat so their children don’t feel the impacts.

Gone are the days where hard work was able to get us ahead. Constituents work two jobs and still struggle to get by.

People can’t find affordable housing to rent and live in their cars, live with strangers as roommates, can’t afford to move out of their parent’s house, and post-secondary graduates options are limited because it’s no longer within reach to move to a larger city to attend university.

The Conservative Party of BC will axe the carbon tax, cutting gas prices by 36 cents a liter. The “Rustad Rebate” will deliver the largest tax cut for renters and homeowners in BC history, worth up to $3,000 per family.

Under the NDP, construction costs on new builds are up by 30-40%. By removing red tape and speeding up permitting, Conservatives will build more new homes faster.

As your MLA, I will also better engage industry and business owners to bring jobs back to the Mid Island-Pacific Rim.

The need for additional housing stock in the region is widely recognized, with various approaches proposed or underway to build more homes, faster, which in turn should reduce costs for renters and home buyers. What specific housing needs have you identified in the riding, and how would you address those needs as the riding’s MLA?
Currently, we have an NDP MLA who voted against housing starts in Tofino when she was Mayor.

We have a 120-unit housing project approved by the District of Ucluelet, including 48 rental apartments, and the builder reached out to me in frustration because he hasn’t been able to speak with our MLA in the last 2.5 years of trying.

This same builder hasn’t received any returned communication from BC Housing even after a February 13, 2024, announcement stating “BC Builds will deliver more lower-cost middle-income rental homes faster.”

The Conservative Party will reduce the red-tape and time needed to approve permits and start new home builds. I believe an MLA’s vital role is to be the conduit for local residents and businesses from within their riding to connect them with Provincial programs meant to assist individuals and organizations.

The West Coast doesn’t have enough housing, yet alone affordable housing, to support the tourism industry with affordable housing.

We need to prioritize new home construction across our Province and entire riding. Unlike the NDP, the Conservative Party will deliver.

I encourage you to read our full Get BC Building policy available at

Local advocacy groups are calling for immediate investment in primary healthcare services across the central and northern Island regions, including additional capital investments for Nanaimo Regional General Hospital. What steps will you take to improve access to healthcare in the riding, particularly with regard to primary care physicians and access to specialists?
Access to a waiting list is not access to healthcare. It’s time to get British Columbians off long waiting lists and into operating rooms and family doctor’s offices so they can access the care and treatment they desperately need.

The status quo can’t continue. ERs are overcrowded, and many a closed overnight or over the weekend. We need to get wait times under control and get British Columbians the treatment they need.

Conservatives will introduce common sense, patients first health care solutions, including a wait-time guarantee. Here’s how we will acheive that: Instead of the current “block grant” model, the Conservative Party will implement “activity-based funding”.

This change will see hospitals, Regional Health Authorities, and/or other non-government facilities funded based on their output – each time they treat patients for specific diagnostic and priority procedures, they receive additional funds. This approach incentivizes providers to be more efficient and treat as many patients as possible.

This approach also incentives the hiring of more doctors and reduces the amount of administrators needed. Too many nurses are trapped in administrative roles when they’d rather be on the front lines helping patients.
The Conservative Party of BC also made an exciting announcement recently, comitting…(word limit reached)

Editor’s note: Candidate responses were limited to 200 words. Any responses exceeding this limit are trimmed as noted. Answers are published otherwise unedited by NanaimoNewsNOW, with the exception of paragraph spacing to aid readability.