Province of BC celebrates over 1 billion trees planted since 2018
VICTORIA, BC — On Wednesday (Nov. 10), the Province of BC took time to celebrate a milestone in its reforestation efforts. This year the province recognizes planting its one billionth tree since 2018.
“1.1 billion is a pretty hard number to wrap your head around,” Roly Russell, Parliamentary Secretary for Rural Development says. “It’s a lot of shovels in the ground.”
In 2021, there were over 300 million trees planted throughout the province, by around 5000 silviculture workers. According to Russell, the target for 2022 is to plant around 260 to 270 million trees. The trees will help replace those that were harvested or burned by wildfire.
“We want to make sure we reforest those blocks that have been harvested, and in most cases, it’s the same with the wildfires. We want to make sure that those aren’t long-lasting impacts on the ecosystems and the future of the employment and sustainable, good jobs in our communities.”