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B.C. NDP Leader David Eby arrives to address supporters on election night in Vancouver, on Saturday, October 19, 2024. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Darryl Dyck
vote counts

NDP wins provincial election but majority or minority still unknown

Oct 28, 2024 | 4:10 PM

The NDP appears to have won enough seats to form government in British Columbia, however it is unclear whether it will be a majority or minority.

The Canadian Press is projecting that Premier David Eby’s NDP has won at least 46 seats, with two still too close to call in the ongoing count of absentee ballots.

The threshold for a majority is 47 seats, and the NDP is narrowly leading the B.C. Conservatives in one of the undecided races.

The B.C. Conservatives have won or are leading in 44 seats, while the Green Party has won two seats, in an election that came down to a count of about 22,000 absentee ballots on Monday, nine days after the Oct. 19 vote.