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RCMP officers have a wooded area along Comox Rd. taped off after discovery of a body on Thursday, Sept. 12. The area appears to also feature an encampment, however it's not clear how it may be linked to the death. (Jordan Davidson/NanaimoNewsNOW)
suspicious death

RCMP Serious Crime Unit investigating after body found near Nanaimo skate park

Sep 13, 2024 | 10:37 AM

NANAIMO — An investigation into a suspicious death is underway following discovery of a man’s body near the city’s downtown.

Police were dispatched around noon on Thursday, Sept. 12, to a wooded area off the 700 block of Comox Rd., behind the Nanaimo skate park and Curling Club, after an adult man’s body was found by a passerby.

Reserve Cst. Gary O’Brien said police responded with considerable resources within minutes of the call.

“The area was closed off to preserve any evidence. We’ve had forensic units, our Serious Crime members, general duty members doing scene security.”

The wooded area sits adjacent to Comox Rd, near the train tracks and above the skate park behind the Nanaimo Curling Club. (Jordan Davidson/NanaimoNewsNOW)

O’Brien added officers from other detachments working overtime remained at the scene overnight to ensure the area was secure.

He expects police to have a presence along Comox Rd. for most of Friday.

Few details are being released by police about the victim or the nature of their injuries. O’Brien said at this stage the investigation is about a suspicious death, and has not been labeled as a homicide yet.

What appeared to be an encampment was located in the immediate area where the body was found, however it’s unclear whether the victim was living there.

“There have been homeless encampments in that area but whether or not it’s related to this is only speculation.”

Nanaimo RCMP are asking the public for any information related to this incident to contact the detachment.

“We know there have been homeless people in and around the area but we’re just looking for if anybody has information on the fact we’ve found a deceased person,” O’Brien said.

If deemed a homicide, it would be the second such investigation to be launched in Nanaimo so far this year.

A 33-year-old woman was found by police inside an apartment unit in the Country Club Centre area.

No arrests or charges have resulted in connected to the death of Tannis Corrigal.

The other most recent homicide in the Harbour City is also an unsolved case involving 52-year-old Wendy Head.

Her March 7, 2023 death in a home on Autumnwood Dr. off Labieux Rd. was originally determined to be an overdose, however several months later the death was re-classified as a homicide.

A large area of woods remained taped off Friday, Sept. 13, protecting space where a body was discovered the day prior. (Jordan Davidson/NanaimoNewsNOW)

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