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Nearly $11 million will support infrastructure upgrades to bolster Ladysmith's water supply at Holland Lake (Town of Ladysmith)
water grant

Senior government grant eases water supply capital costs in Ladysmith

Mar 24, 2024 | 5:47 AM

LADYSMITH — A significant funding injection will complete a major water infrastructure project in Ladysmith.

The Town announced on Friday, March 22 nearly $10.9 million in federal and provincial funding had been secured to nearly double the size of the Holland Lake reservoir.

“The Town will increase the lake’s storage by raising the two existing earthfill dams, and dredging to remove debris from the lakebed, allowing for a 1.5- metre increase to the water level,” stated a news release from the Town of Ladysmith.

A new water intake and enhancements to the existing outlet pipe and spillway on the west dam will improve flow management, according to the Town.

“These improvements will ensure year-round access to high-quality drinking water for residents and businesses, safeguarding and preserving infrastructure, while also mitigating environmental impacts that affect water quality and ecosystems.”

Ladysmith was among 14 drinking water and wastewater projects across B.C to share in the $98-million funding announcement on Friday.

An alternative approval process in 2020 cleared the way for Ladysmith to borrow funds for the enhancements at Holland Lake, representing the first significant investment on the dam since constructed in the early 1980’s.

At the time of the grant application the Town of Ladysmith had contributed nearly $4 million to the project, the Town noted.

The Town provides 3,401 water services connections, delivering safe and reliable access to high-quality drinking water to homes and businesses.

Earlier this week the Town of Ladysmith received $2.75 million from the province to repair weirs and dams along Holland Creek to assist with flooding mitigation and bank erosion.

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