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Loaves and Fishes were busier than ever through the holiday season, helping thousands of local families with holiday hampers. (Loaves and Fishes)
Loaves and Fishes

Nanaimo based food bank sees sharp rise in users over Christmas holidays

Jan 2, 2024 | 5:24 AM

NANAIMO — As expected, demand increased substantially this time around for the Loaves and Fishes Community Food Bank annual Christmas hamper program.

Peter Sinclair, executive director of the valued Nanaimo-based non-profit organization, said more than 6,100 people in nearly 2,600 households in the Nanaimo area received a food hamper during the winter holidays.

“We see the same trends that we had seen earlier in 2023 continue through the Christmas season, specifically that was a 30 per cent increase when we look month over month compared to previous years,” Sinclair told NanaimoNewsNOW.

New this year was Loaves and Fishes staff and volunteers doubling up with its regular food hamper program in conjunction with the holiday hampers.

Sinclair said their holiday season planning was pushed well ahead from their typical start in September.

“This year we got planning back in February, we did our projections, we planned and operationally it was the most successful Christmas year we’ve ever had.”

Looking ahead to the new year, Sinclair said monetary and food donations, as well as volunteer commitments will be essential.

He said their operational staff reported the Christmas season went extremely well since all of the vacant shifts for volunteers were filled.

“It’s our hope as we got into 2024 we continue to have all of those volunteer shifts filled because it helps everything run more smoothly and there’s more food for people in need.”

Information on volunteering and donating to Loaves and Fishes Community Food Bank can be found here.

Loaves and Fishes operates a primary sorting depot on Fry St., as well as 10 satellite food distribution centres in Nanaimo and one in Cedar.

The organization processed roughly $7.5 million worth of food last year, up from $800,000 in 2012.

Upwards of 3,000 people in the Nanaimo area and 15,000 people across Vancouver Island are fed monthly by Loaves and Fishes.

The organization is hoping for a federal government contribution to build a nearly 30,000 sq/ft warehouse on East Wellington Rd. property bought by the City for the use of Loaves and Fishes.

Earlier this year the province committed $7 million toward the new warehouse project, which is primarily for food recovery and storage.

Information on volunteering and donating to Loaves and Fishes Community Food Bank can be found here.

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