Illicit drugs claiming record number of lives across Nanaimo & central Island
NANAIMO — Records have officially been shattered in the region as more and more people die from illicit toxic drugs.
Data from the B.C. Coroner’s Service shows 96 people have died in the greater Nanaimo area between Jan. 1 and Oct. 31 this year, comfortably outpacing record losses in any previous year. Seven deaths came in October alone.
Seventy-eight people died in all of 2022, while 53 lost their lives the year prior, and should current trends continue Nanaimo can expect to lose around 115 people by year’s end.
Greater Nanaimo also has the third highest rate of drug deaths (fatalities per 100,000 people) in the province, behind only Vancouver-Centre North and the North Thompson region of the Interior.