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Nanaimo RCMP on scene following a shooting at a Bowen Rd. across from Beban Park on Dec. 9, 2022 (File Photo/NanaimoNewsNOW)
Jury trial

Bowen Road shooting trial underway, man loses leg in violent incident

Nov 1, 2023 | 5:25 AM

NANAIMO — A man accused of unloading a damaging shotgun blast into the leg of another man late last year at a Nanaimo duplex is on trial.

After pleading not guilty to four offences in connection to the Dec. 9, 2022 shooting in the 2300 block of Bowen Rd., Jordan Reginald White’s trial began before a judge and jury on Monday, Oct 30.

More than a dozen witnesses are expected to testify on behalf of the Crown at the trial expected continue into next week. Jerome Jules, who was seriously injured as a result of the incident, is among those expected to testify.

His right leg was amputated above the knee as a result of being shot at his own home.

The Crown called Nanaimo RCMP Cst. Erik Jakobsen to the stand on Tuesday, Oct. 31.

Responding to the high-risk call with a semi-automatic rifle, Cst. Jakobsen explained what he recalled upon entering the home.

“I see the blood spatter, a recollection of children being up the stairs and then as I look to my right I see Mr. Jules on the ground with his partner,” he said.

The officer said a fellow Mountie arrived on scene just prior to his arrival at about 2:09 a.m.

Describing Jules as in a lot of pain, bleeding heavily, pale and shifting in and out of consciousness, Cst. Jakobsen said he then immediately applied a tourniquet just above victim’s wound on his leg to minimize severe blood loss.

The officer then asked Jules who was responsible for the shooting.

“In my notes I only wrote the name Jordan, but I do recall the name Jordie as well,” Cst. Jakobsen said.

Under cross-examination, the officer was asked as a result of the commotion and Jules’ compromised state if Jules might have said something else.

“I firmly believe that he said the name Jordan,” Jakobsen said.

The officer took notes from the scene and then wrote a police report about an hour-and-a-half later.

He described how the inside of the home had blood stains in numerous locations, while shattered glass littered an exterior walkway.

White’s trial is being heard by a jury comprizing of nine men and three women and is being overseen by Justice John Harvey.

Nanaimo RCMP categorized the shooting as a “targeted, isolated incident.”

White was charged with aggravated assault and three weapons-related offences.

Nick Barber is prosecuting the case on behalf of Crown counsel, while Tom Spettigue is representing the accused.

A day after the Bowen Rd. shooting, White was allegedly involved in a home invasion and violent stabbing at an Albert St. apartment, however the Crown dropped the charges related to the incident this past March.

White remains in custody.

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