Jury makes seven recommendations after man who stabbed officer shot 9 times by police

Nov 9, 2022 | 8:01 AM

BURNABY, B.C. — Better training for staff selling firearms and a better process for booking mental-health appointments are among the recommendations being made by a B.C. jury that examined a 2016 police shooting. 

The coroners inquest probed the November 2016 death of Daniel Rintoul, who attacked and stabbed a staff member, tried to steal a gun from a gun case and took a hostage at an east Vancouver Canadian Tire. 

The 38-year-old, nearly six-foot, 350-pound man was shot nine times after repeatedly stabbing one of the officers who was trying to arrest him.

One of the jury’s recommendations calls for a review of how appointments to mental health clinics are scheduled and says appointments should be set up before a patient is discharged from hospital.