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The south Brechin boat ramp is closed with a boom on the water surrounding a water pipe into the harbour. A faint smell of sewage was evident on Wednesday, Nov. 3. (Alex Rawnsley/NanaimoNewsNOW)

Capacity limits, steady rainfall causing untreated wastewater overflows in Nanaimo

Nov 3, 2021 | 5:08 PM

NANAIMO — Ongoing work to upgrade a local wastewater treatment facility is causing issues downstream.

The Regional District of Nanaimo reported continued rainfall in the region contributed to an overflow of untreated wastewater at two locations on Wednesday, Nov. 3 as the Departure Bay Pump station is operating below peak capacity.

Capacity in the system is reduced due to work upgrading a section of the area forceemain, which led to discharge at both Brechin overflow site near Departure Bay ferry terminal and the Millstone location adjacent to Maffeo Sutton Park..

“To help mitigate overflow events, several measures have been put in place including response teams on call 24 hours a day, closure of the south Brechin boat ramp and installation of a lock block wall with a floating containment boom,” a release from the RDN read.

Crews are also clearing any debris on a daily basis during the overflow event.

An inflatable boom is on the water by the south Brechin boat ramp to collect floating debris after untreated wastewater began to be expelled on Wednesday, Nov. 3 at two Nanaimo sites. (Alex Rawnsley/NanaimoNewsNOW)

Wet weather is expected to remain in the region for several days with the Environment Canada forecast calling for 10-15 millimetres of rain overnight on Wednesday.

The Departure Bay Forcemain was built in 1974 and deals with wastewater from over half of Nanaimo.

It’s the largest facility of its kind in the RDN and upgrades are due to be complete in December.

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