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Todd Anthony Bordal pleaded guilty on Thursday Sept. 9 to possessing child pornography. He will be sentenced at a later date. (NanaimoNewsNOW file photo)
sex offender

Nanaimo man awaits sentence after child porn guilty plea

Sep 10, 2021 | 5:37 AM

NANAIMO — A local man must wait for a judge’s sentence for possession of child pornography, the latest case in a continuous cycle of the disturbing behaviour before Nanaimo judges.

On Thursday, Sept 9, Todd Anthony Bordal pleaded guilty to possessing child pornography in Nanaimo between October 2019 and January 2020.

Judge Karen Whonnock ordered a forensic evaluation of the 49-year-old Bordal to determine his re-offending risk.

Details of Bordal’s history and social background are expected to be revealed in the evaluation.

Following Bordal’s guilty plea, the Crown’s Nick Barber said he couldn’t comment if the Crown would be seeking a jail sentence.

A second charge against Bordal of distributing child pornography will be stayed, Barber said.

Details of Bordal’s offending will be revealed at his sentencing hearing, expected to occur later this year.

Bordal has no prior criminal record in the province.

Incidents of Nanaimo men sentenced for child porn crimes have increased substantially over the past several years.

Nanaimo RCMP investigated 15 cases involving child pornography in 2016, however the number more than tripled on average in the years since.

Cases of multiple other men charged with child porn offences are currently advancing through the judicial system in Nanaimo.

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