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The City of Nanaimo recently acquired the former site of the Jeans Burns building, with visions of creating a public square and adjoining transit exchange. (File Photo/NanaimoNewsNOW)

Water Cooler: Downtown development on Terminal Ave., Commercial St.

Aug 1, 2021 | 10:29 AM

NANAIMO — The Water Cooler is NanaimoNewsNOW’s letters to the editor-style segment, featuring conversations about the news in Nanaimo and Oceanside.

This week’s feature discusses recent developments for the city’s downtown including new plans for the Jean Burns building site and Commercial St. revitalization.

T. McLeod, Nanaimo: I was in Maple Ridge, my former hometown, earlier this week. The Council purchased an entire block of run-down shacks in the city centre about 10 years ago. Construction is now underway on the final phase of a combined commercial-residential development with hundreds of new homes.

It will transform an old downtown area that has been widely viewed as second rate. As a new resident I am wishing Nanaimo Council the best with their strategic property purchase and coming redevelopment.

M. Dore, Nanaimo: I ask that city council please reconsider the use of the Jean Burn’s building site as a transit exchange. First of all, the ability for buses to turn effectively takes a large amount of space. Secondly, this land could be used in a variety of ways to showcase the development of a beautiful downtown feature, for example, small cafes with outdoor seating, etc. Finally, there is already a transit exchange site being used near the Gabriola Ferry dock and it is within walking distance of Commercial Street.

NanaimoNewsNOW: Plans for the area surrounding the former Jean Burns building site and the neighbouring properties recently purchased by the City of Nanaimo are still conceptual and bound to change.

It appears more likely the Jean Burns building site will form at least part of a public square rather than a transit exchange, with the proposed change in Nanaimo’s bus infrastructure being moved a little further along Terminal Ave., just south of the infamous hole in the ground.

The idea is to connect infrastructure planned for Albert St. to create cycle and pedestrian routes from VIU to the downtown core.

Purchasing of land over the last couple of months is the first step in a very, very long process which will involve countless rounds of public consultation and debate likely to spill over into at least one municipal election cycle.

The public will have their chance to provide direction through these sessions or at the ballot box on how they want the City to proceed.

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D. Buston, Nanaimo: The downtown core is in a sad state of affairs. Over the years plenty of funds have been spent trying to bring downtown to life. Perhaps instead of wasting another $150,000 on yet another plan keep it simple, make Commercial Street one way, bring back angle parking, eliminate parking meters.

Take a lesson from Ladysmith encourage building owners to bring back the building with an incentive to paint these beautiful old buildings. A simple plan and a council with a little excitement and a sense of pride. Make a plan to get rid of some of the long dead buildings.

First and foremost our towns need to start working together to get help for the alcoholics and drug users. This is not a homeless problem. I am sickened by the bandaid solution that has been handed to these people. Sadly I was born and raised in Nanaimo and my next move may be out of it.

NanaimoNewsNOW: Calls to make Commercial St. a one-way, or even vehicle-free area of town have occurred for years and made only louder by special events such as the Night Market setting up shop once a week, pre-pandemic.

Much like plans for Terminal Ave., the vision for Commercial St. will likely change and adjust based on Council wishes and public input.

It was interesting to see City’s general manager of engineering Bill Sims say there was a possibility of closing Commercial St. as part of the plans for the Jean Burns site.

The City has shown a strong desire to create more “public realm” spaces in the downtown and both a public square off Terminal Ave. and the adjustment or removal of traffic on Commercial St. could achieve that.

Join the conversation. Submit your letter to NanaimoNewsNOW and be included on The Water Cooler, our letters to the editor feature.


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