‘Walk-of-shame’ comment prompts call to change police sexual assault investigations
VICTORIA — A woman’s complaints about being asked about a “walk of shame” by a Saanich police officer after reporting an alleged sexual assault has prompted British Columbia’s police complaints commissioner to call for provincial standards for sex crimes investigations.
The Office of the Police Complaint Commissioner’s annual report includes details of the unnamed woman’s complaint about a yearlong sexual assault investigation where she felt “devalued” and “disrespected” by an officer she perceived as biased.
“In addition, the complainant reported that the officer made comments and asked questions during their meetings which she felt were improper,” says the report. “This included comments related to the consumption of alcohol and medication, asking whether she stayed in the park because she did not want to do a ‘walk of shame.'”
The report says the woman said she was denied the assistance of a support person during her second meeting with the investigating officer and was told a support person was not necessary.