Police said two incidents of package thefts have prompted another reminder of steps people can take to avoid becoming a victim. (File Photo/NanaimoNewsNOW)
parcels vanish

Parcel thieves strike multiple times throughout south Nanaimo

Oct 12, 2020 | 7:01 PM

NANAIMO — Christmas might still be weeks away but it appears the grinch is loose in the city.

Police said a pair of parcel thefts took place in the recently with items swiped from homes on Oct. 5 and Oct. 8 within a few blocks in south Nanaimo.

Nanaimo RCMP Cst. Gary O’Brien said in each incident parcels were delivered to a home and no one was there to pick them up.

“They’re most likely linked given the fact they happened within about four days of each other and about three blocks in separation,” Cst. Gary O’Brien said.

In the latest heists reported to Nanaimo RCMP, high end items were stolen including security gear and home appliances.

O’Brien told NanaimoNewsNOW the bad guys will hunt for goods and move in quickly.

“From time to time is criminals do follow the courier trucks knowing that they’re dropping items off and they watch and see if items get left unattended on a porch.”

Police recommend not scheduling delivery when you’re not going to be home. They also suggest using an alternate address, such as a friend’s house or workplace, or picking the item up from the mailing depot.

The public can also help to prevent parcels from disappearing off porches.

“If they see a courier truck and they see a vehicle following it around that might be a good thing to call the police and try to provide a licence plate number,” O’Brien said.

If anyone has information on these thefts, please call the Nanaimo RCMP non-emergency line at 250-754-2345.


On Twitter: @Kyle_Ireland31