Violence-stricken US cities clean up, brace for more unrest
WASHINGTON — A country convulsed by violent protests picked up the pieces Monday and braced for more trouble amid a coast-to-coast outpouring of rage over police killings of black people. President Donald Trump demanded the nation’s governors crack down harder on the lawlessness, telling them: “Most of you are weak.”
After six straight days of unrest set off by the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, a new routine was developing: residents waking up to neighbourhoods in shambles, shopkeepers sweeping up broken glass and taking stock of ransacked stores, and police and political leaders weighing how to address the boiling anger.
“We are a country that is scared,” said Sam Page, county executive in St. Louis County, Missouri, where the city of Ferguson has been synonymous with the Black Lives Matter movement since the 2014 death of Michael Brown, a black 18-year-old, during a confrontation with a white officer. “We are country that is angry. And we are a country that is holding out for the promise of justice for all.”
In New York, Mayor Bill de Blasio said he was considering imposing a curfew on the nation’s biggest city after a night in which groups of people broke into Chanel, Prada and Rolex boutiques and electronics stores.