Five candidates will take the stage in the Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce debate. (Submitted Photos)
ideas and ideals

Major party candidates to face off at Chamber debate

Oct 9, 2019 | 10:39 AM

NANAIMO — Only local candidates representing a party with a seat already in parliament will grace the stage at an upcoming federal election debate.

The Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce is limiting the candidates to five at their debate on Thursday, Oct. 10 at the Beban Park Social Centre.

Chamber president Kim Smythe said it would be impossible to hold a “meaningful event” with all nine candidates on the stage.

“We’ve had audience members come to us in the last few debates and say ‘while it’s interesting to hear the views of all the people on stage, the value to us as an audience member is hearing from people who actually have a chance of being in office.’ I concur with them.”

Smythe said the Chamber went through similar difficulties during the recent municipal election, where up to 40 candidates threw their name into the ring.

“I don’t feel we’re doing a disservice to the community because there are numerous other events they can attend,” Smythe said of the independent candidates.

In recent Greater Nanaimo Chamber of Commerce debates, Smythe said he’s seen very few undecided voters in the crowd.

“Maybe a small minority of those who come will outright say ‘thank you, I’m now able to make a decision.”

Bob Chamberlin, NDP, Jennifer Clarke, People’s Party of Canada, Michelle Corfield, Liberal, John Hirst, Conservative and Paul Manly, Green Party will answer questions from the Chamber and also from the crowd.

Smythe said the time allotted for opening and closing speeches is curtailed to avoid the “elevator pitch” people have already heard on the campaign trail.

The candidate meet and greet begins at 5:30 p.m. with the debate getting underway at 7 p.m.

NanaimoNewsNOW has asked all candidates a series of questions to best present options for voters of Nanaimo.

You can find a full list of questions, answers and recent news here.

— with files from Alex Rawnsley

On Twitter: @spencer_sterrit