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New truck helps expand innovative Nanaimo food bank program

Apr 3, 2018 | 1:18 PM

NANAIMO — Thanks to a new truck, a renowned program from Nanaimo’s Loaves and Fishes Community Food Bank can expand.

Loaves and Fishes received $187,000 from Food Bank B.C. and the provincial government to buy a new five-tonne truck.

Food bank executive director Peter Sinclair told NanaimoNewsNOW the truck will join another in their food recovery program, which collects surplus food from local grocery stores.

“We’re hopeful that now with this truck we’ll be able to have more grocery store partners come on so we can recover more food,” Sinclair said.

The truck was sorely needed as their food recovery program continued to grow.

“The challenge was when our one truck was in for repairs, we had to continue to offer the seven-day-a-week service to our grocery store partners. This will ensure we have seven-day-a-week pickup and it also sets us up to bring on additional grocery store partners.”

Most recently the Pomme Natural Market came on board and Sinclair said they’re regularly garnering more partners.

Roughly 3,500 people a month rely on the food bank.



On Twitter: @spencer_sterrit