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Mar 24, 2015 | 4:15 AM

Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited


What do you do everyday that is meaningful to you?

Sometime we only realize that things are (or were) meaningful when we can’t do them anymore. When those things are taken away from us due to illness, injury or circumstance.

They may be simple things like being able to shop and cook for your family or having great conversations with people you respect and care about or even going to work.

Imagine your life without those components in them.  Do you feel a void?

If so, this week I encourage you to pay special attention to the things that are meaningful to you.

The mundane, the repetitive and yes sometimes even the annoying can become a little special when you realize that your life would not be the same without them there.

Notice what is meaningful to you and savour it, appreciate it, enjoy it. Then figure out one way to get more meaningful things into your life.


This week on Your Life, Unlimited radio, Glen Daman, author of Master Your Life to the 10th Degree  and 78 year old powerhouse David Dworkski, Ph.D.  joined me on CJOB to share some of their tips for living, laughing and loving your way to sustainable success.

Glen says if you spend the first 60 minutes of your day working on yourself, everything else in your life with improve and he compared working on your significant relationship with brushing your teeth, “You only have to brush the ones you want to keep.”  Now there’s a visual!

David spoke about working in collaboration rather than isolation and shared some secrets of how he keeps his vitality in his senior years. He credits curiosity for helping him stay sharp. I want to be like this guy when I grow up!

Enjoy the whole show here…


Stephanie Staples, CSP* is the author of When Enlightening Strikes – Creating a Mindset for Uncommon Success, an internationally acclaimed motivational speaker, and the recipient of the 2014 Manitoba Woman Entrepreneur Award for Contributions to Community. Stephanie empowers audiences & clients across North America to bring their ‘A’ game to work and to life. Stephanie has a special interest in working with and empowering nurses and healthcare providers. She happily calls Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada home. You can get loads of complimentary resources to help with issues such as work/life balance, wellness, stress management and happiness in general, as well as find out more information about her coaching and speaking services at http://www.YourLifeUnlimited.ca.

* Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), conferred by the National Speakers Association is the speaking profession’s international measure of professional platform proficiency. Less than 10 percent of speakers have earned this credential and are recognized as some of the best in their fields. Stephanie was one of only five professional speakers in Canada (and the only woman) to attain this designation in 2013.


The post Meaningful… first appeared on Your Life Unlimited.

Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited