Who am I Really?
Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited
What a fun (and musical) interview with recording artist KeithMAcPherson today – this guys just oozes positive energy and love.
Enjoy the podcast of the commercial free show here: Your Life, Unlimited with Stephanie Staples and Keith MacPherson
And, his guest blog post…
Who Am I Really?
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin quoted, “We are spiritual beings having a temporary human experience”.
This quote has had a significant impact on the way I dance through the world. When I consider that my body is an ever-changing composition of water and cells that are constantly re-generating every 24 hours I am reminded that there is an impermanence to my physical body. One just has to look back at pictures from ten years ago to see that we are no longer the body we once were living in (although some of us might wish we could be back in that other one ten years ago). As we grow we realize that our bodies are in a constant state of change including new wrinkles, hair colors changing and fading, bones that may start to speak to us in different ways and on and on. To our temporary human self this can be a very frightening experience. Linear time frightens the temporary-self into suggesting that we have an expiry date.
This is actually true every moment and every breath of our lives. Consider that even on a cellular level- you are not actually the same person who started reading this article and can’t go back to that state in which you were in only seconds ago. That which is ever- changing is not permanent. What is real and permanent however is the spiritual essence to who we are. Can you get a glimpse of that spirit that has always been behind all the activities and life you have ever lived? That part of you that has always known the truth on a deep gut level without needing to be anything other then present? That part of you that feels totally connected to everything around you and trusts that everything is unfolding in perfect time? This is your spirit, soul, God, creative pool, whatever you want to name it. In the Tao Te Ching it is suggested that this presence I am attempting to name is actually unname-able. As soon as one tries to name this essence it becomes part of the temporary human experience.
Although it is nameless, I am encouraging you to consider building an awareness and a relationship with this un-nameable, spiritual aspect of who you really are. I believe that experiencing life from this awareness will open up infinite possibilities for you. One activity I can suggest to awaken this essence is to take a half hour break from your busy life and go on a walk through the shopping mall. On this walk, look at every single person that crosses your path as a connected spirit to your spirit. In fact, if you can, notice that the only thing separating “you” from “them” is your perspective that is being fueled by the temporary human self. To see spirit in every single person that crosses your path is to experience the most incredible unconditional love that lives at the core of our soul and inspires (in spirits) us to become more loving towards ourselves and others, as this love will never fade away and is inseparable. To quote Robert Frost, “Love is what’s left over, when falling in love fades away”. We are spiritual beings and this is a temporary human experience. Our temporary physical body is housing our infinite soul. Let’s practice living from this awareness and experiencing the freedom that comes from this truth of who we really are.
Thanks for your insights, Keith – keep spreading the love!
Again, the podcast of the show is here, commercial free: Your Life, Unlimited with Stephanie Staples and Keith MacPherson
* Certified Speaking Professional (CSP), conferred by the National Speakers Association is the speaking profession’s international measure of professional platform proficiency. Less than 10 percent of speakers have earned this credential and are recognized as some of the best in their fields. Stephanie was one of only five professional speakers in Canada (and the only woman) to attain this designation in 2013.
The post Who am I Really? first appeared on Your Life Unlimited.