What do you believe?

Mar 26, 2013 | 4:42 AM

Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited


Inspired  by the book This I Believe: The Personal Philosophies of Remarkable Men and Women  and it’s sequel which revealed insights from ‘regular’ men and women, I poised this question to a group of open-minded folks.

Their first responses were the typical, off the cuff, humorous types of answers.  They answered things like, I believe:

 – chocolate will fix anything
– it’s going to be a great day
– in Santa Claus

But when I pressed this willing group for a deeper answer … that’s when it got interesting.

There was the initial discomfort with the personal and thought-provoking question.  There was the silence when I could almost feel the gears in their heads turning.  And then … the triumphant answers that I was waiting for.  One of their deep beliefs, spoken aloud.  I heard …

I believe …

– people are inherently good
– it is never too late to shine
– we all have the ability to  touch peoples lives
– generosity starts small and doesn’t neglect  strangers

It was powerful, meaningful and insightful to hear these deep-seeded beliefs being shared, with all humor aside.  I think they felt good declaring them, as well.

And so I wonder in these days of rush, rush, rush and superficial conversations,  perhaps it could be a gift to ourselves and to others to take a deeper look and ask this question. I promise you the discussion will get more interesting that if you ask, “What’s new?”

And so, I ask you…

What do you really believe to the core of your being?

Oh, you want me to go first?  OK, I will share one of my core beliefs with you and I invite you to share one of yours with me.  We can inspire each other.

I believe that continuous and ongoing personal growth will make every other situation in life better and for that reason we should strive to work harder on ourselves than on anything else.

That is one thing I believe to the core of my being.

I look forward to your answers.

Stephanie Staples is the author of When Enlightening Strikes – Creating a Mindset for Uncommon Success and an internationally acclaimed motivational speaker. She empowers audiences & clients across North America to bring their ‘A’ game to work and to life. Stephanie has a special interest in working with and empowering nurses and healthcare providers. She happily calls Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada home.  You can get loads of complimentary resources to help with issues such as work/life balance, wellness, stress management and happiness in general, as well as find out more information about her coaching and speaking services at http://www.YourLifeUnlimited.ca.

The post What do you believe? first appeared on Your Life Unlimited.

Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited