Got Obstacles? Tips from a Two-Wheeler

May 7, 2011 | 7:56 AM

Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited

Stolen from right under my nose, my beautiful bike (actually my husbands). I had just come to love it and use it regularly. Yes, it was locked.  Boo-hoo, poor me.

Always the optimist, I phoned the police station weekly waiting for my bike to be recovered.  A year later I have finally given up and replaced the bike – just in time, too because apparently May is National Bike Month!  Who knew?

So today I encourage you to dust off your old bike and see whatbenefits and  life lessons you might draw out from riding.

Here are some of my learning:

*From off-road biking I have learned that whatever obstacles are in the way (treacherous roots, narrow passage etc.)  are very difficult to get past if your focus on  there,  but if you look past  them – it’s much, much easier.

Life Lesson – look just ahead to where you want to be, set your sights on that instead of focusing on the obstacle itself.

*From road biking I have learned that I am not made of sugar.  I will not melt in the rain.

Life Lesson – we are tougher than we think we are, we can get through more than we ever imagined.  It might hurt, it might be messy,     but we will not melt.

*From prepping for  a mini-triatholon I have learned that I can explore entirely new neighborhoods.  I bike to a different part of town, lock up my bike (with my new top of the line lock!).  I had never even thought of doing something like that before.

Life lesson – Unexpected delights turn up when you put yourself in new situations.

*From biking with my son, I have discovered something fun that we can do together at similar levels.

Life Lesson –  keep trying news things with your family and friends until you find something that you can do together that clicks.

*From dusting off my bike, I have got out of the habit of always jumping in the car to go short distances.

Life lesson – Just because you have always done something, it doesn’t mean you always have to continuing doing it.

*From riding my bike, I have learned that if I want me kids to wear a helmet, I must do the same.

Life lesson – walk your talk!

*From riding my bike, I have found a whole new group of ‘homies’ – a women’s biking group, an indoor stationary bike-trainer, a spin class.

Life lesson –  new adventures await, start where you are a pedal forward!

So my encouragement to you today  is to dust off your bike (or your …) and see what you gain in life and in life lessons!

Good luck!


The post Got Obstacles? Tips from a Two-Wheeler first appeared on Your Life Unlimited.

Contributed by Stephanie Staples at Your Life Unlimited