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No charges as investigation into Nanaimo City Council concludes

Oct 24, 2017 | 11:40 AM

NANAIMO — There will be no charges following a special prosecutor’s investigation into allegations surrounding Nanaimo City Council. 

A release from the BC Prosecution Service said special prosecutor Mark Jette has finished his investigation and “no report to Crown Counsel was ultimately forwarded for consideration on the general investigation conducted by the RCMP.” 

The release specified the “matters involving the councillor who has been made the subject of release conditions were resolved without the necessity of court proceedings.” 

Jette was appointed in December 2016 to assist RCMP with an ongoing investigation into Nanaimo council. The prosecution service would not confirm the nature of the allegations.

In March, it was announced a Nanaimo councillor had been arrested and that too would be included in the investigation.

In November of last year, Council announced it had directed staff to forward information to RCMP for consideration of violations by Mayor Bill McKay. The allegations followed a Council-ordered internal investigation related to the mayor’s business dealings, disclosure of gifts received and a former employee’s lawsuit against the City. McKay denied the allegations and has yet to be served with a subsequent lawsuit filed against him by the City.

The prosecution service said no further information will be released because of privacy concerns for those involved.


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