Kathleen Jones
I was born in Ontario in a rural farming community and arrived in BC in the early 1970ies to live close to my parents and continue my education at University of Victoria. I married, then had two daughters later divorced becoming a single mom. Life was quite an economic struggle. I worked in local Garden Centers as all things green and growing were a passion. Finishing my education was a top priority however shortly after graduating I secured on-call employment as a Social Worker at St Jospeh’s Hospital in the Comox Valley. Soon thereafter I moved to the Ministry of Children and Families and thus started my career in child protection & family services in Comox Valley and Campbell River. My caseload involved working with children, youth and families, First Nations families in various Bands in both Campbell River and Gold River.
I volunteered as a Director on the Board of Directors of John Howard Society where, during my tenure, we built a Sex Offender Treatment Center, Youth Services building plus programming. As I lived close to nature camping & salmon fishing were prime activities.
My oldest daughter spent a year as an exchange student to Japan which caused both…